CORI & Safesport
CORI & Safesport
All coaches must complete the SafeSport as well as a background check prior to having any practices/games. All assistant coaches/anyone on the bench (so even a scorekeeper who sits on the bench) needs to complete safesport.
Go to USA softball website go to Registration and log in or create an account if this is your first time. Once you are logged in you can access the SafeSport and background check. Even if you have completed the initial SafeSport in a previous year there is a refresher course you must take.
You will need to complete the online course prior to the season starting.
You will also need to complete the background check on the MA USA Softball website.
Please use the link on the right to login or create an account with USA Softball.
RegisterUSASoftball.com is the online membership website for USA Softball. The system is operated out of the National Office in Oklahoma City, OK and support is provided by both the National Office and the Local State/Metro offices.